Le Queen (Reconquête)
102, av. des Champs-Elysées, 08 92 70 73 30. 8e arr.
Metro : George-V
Désertée par les clubbeurs branches, sauf en toute fin de nuit ou le dimanche soir pour l’Overkitsch gay et festif, la célèbre boite des Champs semble sortir de sa léthargie. Plusieurs organisateurs de soirées très tendance investissent ponctuellement les lieux, par exemple pour la mythique DTPM du club londonien Fabric. Le reste du temps, pas de révolution : mercredi, samedi et dimanche très gay ou un lundi disco qui a perdu de sa folie. Une clim plus efficace.
Classique :
18-35 ans. Entrée : de 10 a 20 euros (avec 1 conso).
Consos : 10 euros. Bouteille : a partir de 140 euros.
Tous les soirs de minuit a 6h.
Initially we were told that this club was heterosexual on Wednesday nights, and not on Monday nights. Sure enough we arrived on Wednesday night and kindly asked the bouncers if it was hetero. He informed us that it was a gay club except on Monday nights, but there were a few girls inside. We decided to head across the Champs-Elysees to a bar, called Le Paris, for drinks where we asked a waiter club suggestions -- which led us to Le Milliardaire (see below).
We returned the next Monday night – and we were in for a treat ! While the night was « disco queen » for heteros, we were certainly in the minority. Gay men in sailor suits with glitter on their chests waved to men who were swinging their shirts over their heads. Glitter floated down from the top of the dome onto the dancers on the podiums and the dance floor. Disco music boomed from the large speakers and on three occasions dancers appeared on the glass stage which was suspended on one side. Two women danced on either side of a man who were spandex and furry boots. Each appearance lasted three songs long and included break dancing and choreographed movements.
The crowd was more than friendly and enjoyed dancing with the handful of women. We must mention that there were a handful of extremely attractive men – but it was difficult to tell if they were gay. They all knew how to dance and sing, which is not typical of American boys. Our thoughts were just to dance with everyone – hetero/homo. Later in the evening we blatantly asked their orientation. Certainly this question is a little embarrassing, but it’s best to do the first night.
Noelle ean into some friends from MIT there! And she has kept in touch with some of the guys she met from this club, "a wonderful connection to practice the language as well as continue a friendship," she remarks.
Our rating out of four stars: 4.0!
Le Milliardaire (Clinquant)
68, rue Pierre-Charon, 01 42 89 44 14. 8e arr.
Metro : Franklin D. Roosevelt.
C’est le rendez-vous de la jeunesse dorée qui n’a pas peur d’en faire trop. La clientèle, typique du 8e arrondissement show off, fait péter les bouteilles de champ’ et danse sur les banquettes de velours rouge. Sans se soucier de la musique : tendance Motown et Brésil le mercredi, plutôt rock le jeudi, et tubes house pour terminer la semaine. Parmi les VIP, moins nombreux qu’avant, Sami Naceri ou Noémie Lenoir. La deco cabaret des Années folles.
Ephémère :
25-35 ans. Entrée : 20 euros (avec 1 conso), gratuit le mercredi.
Consos : 12 a 15 euros. Bouteille : 200 euros.
Du mercredi au samedi de minuit a 5h.
Just off of the Champs-Elysees you will find this small club. A tight knit group of people routinely dance together in the two rooms. Dancing to American rap and R&B, it feels like a house party in the States. When you pay for your entry to this club, the body guards will look you up and down to make sure that you fit in with their clientele. After contacting the body guards inside, you will find the entry price of 20 euros to be a little pricy. However, this does include one free drink. We recommend drinking before this club – and any others since the price is so expensive for drinks once inside.
Our rating out of four stars: 2.5
Le VIP Room
76/78 Av. des Champs Elysées, 01 58 36 46 00. 8e arr.
Le week-end, ça se bouscule au portillon ! Surtout sur le coup de deux heures du mat’, ou les d’jeuns ultra-lookés jouent des coudes pour entrer dans le club select de Jean-Roch, l’ami des stars (Bono, Flavio, Briatore, Karl Zéro, etc.). Ce qui compte avant tout dans ce genre de défi futile, c’est de pouvoir dire : « j’y étais ». Pour quoi, au fait ? Peut-être pour découvrir en avant-première la nouvelle deco, prévue pour le début de l’année et confiée a Andrée Putman.
Mais faites attention ! During our short stay in Paris, a report on night clubs mentioned cocaine and ecstasy were slipped into drinks. This common drugging at the VIP Room and l’Enfer have turned heads and revealed a dangerous scene.
Our rating out of four stars: 1 (due to the report)