
Fables de La Fontaine.
Salle Richelieu, 
La Comédie Française.
Place Colette. 1st arr.
written by La Fontaine, directed by Robert Wilson

In existence since the time of Molière, the troupe of the Comédie Française has long been a cornerstone of theater in Paris. Throughout its history, it has mainly presented the works of famous French playwrights such as Molière, Racine and Corneille.

Les Fables de La Fontaine is an interesting departure form a typical theatrical performance in that it combines the classical poetry of La Fontaine with the vision of avant-garde director Robert Wilson. The contrast between the two styles, both ancient and modern, played out well. La Fontaine’s words and simple wisdom ring out as true today as they did three hundred years ago. Wilson, with his minimalist staging, innovative character design, and creative use of light, managed to impart sometimes sinister and more modern feel to what are often considered nursery rhymes for children in France. Even though far removed from traditional theater, the troupe of the Comédie Française played their roles admirably, proving themselves truly world-class actors. Simply put, it was a marvelous evening at the theater. After the performance, we were treated to a special tribute put on by the entire troupe in celebration of the 383rd birthday of Molière. (Photos Source: www.evene.fr).

Fables performed during the show:
Le Lion amoureux 
La Cigale et la Fourmi
Les Obsèques de la lionne
Le Renard, le Singe, et les Animaux
Le Corbeau et le Renard
Le Cocher, Le Chat et le Souriceau
Le Loup plaidant contre le renard devant le singe
Les animaux malades de la peste
Le Loup et l’Agneau
L’Homme et la Couleuvre
Le Chêne et le Roseau
Les Oreilles du lièvre
Le Coq et le Renard
Le Cerf se voyant dans l’eau
L’Âne et le Petit Chien
La Grenouille qui voulait se faire aussi grosse que le boeuf
Le Pouvoir des faibles
Le Lion et le Moucheron
Les Compangnons d’Ulysse